Saturday, September 28, 2013

Meadow Street

I'm in the seventh grade, and we have moved across town to English Court.You turned off  English Street-    then, go up a small driveway with six houses in a semi circle. They were all the same style and painted the same color...I think it was light gray...our bungalow with a small porch and some good neighbors...our new friends Dale and Tillman.  But why did we have to move to another house. I know we had more room  I know that Daddy had a long way to go to work from Main to English where Adams Millis was.  He either walked or rode the bus - and you had to change to the English St. bus uptown.  Do you think it would be that when Junior, Wayne and myself had to go to Ferndale Junior High, we would then have a short walk to school.  And more important, he would only have two or three blocks to his work.  Even a twelve year old should have understood, and it didn't take me long to know it was a good move.

This is when I started going to English Street Baptist Church.  I did miss Pilgrim Holiness which became Wesleyan in later years.  I had gone there all of my life, and I would especially miss Mrs. Nance and Mrs. McDowell and most of all Preacher Grout.  Even though I was in the seventh grade and about to become a teenager, I could never forget Cloverdale Elementary School nor my teachers...Ms. Farlow...Ms. Gallant.. Ms. Byrd...Ms.Hire..Ms. Clifton...and Ms. Strickland...Our principal was Mr. Rogers.

I was in the sixth grade at Cloverdale when Junior started first grade, and I was old enough to walk him to school.

Junior in third grade at Cloverdale Elementary School

Junior also went to Cloverdale until we moved; and then he went to Tomlinson and several years later, Wayne went to Tomlinson.  Along about this time, we moved to Meadow Street  which was between Ferndale Drive and Chestnut Street and behind our house was Ferndale Junior High, High Point High School  and Tomlinson Elementary School with a big athletic field between the junior and high schools.  Talking about having a place to play, Junior and Wayne had a field day.  School was so different in the 50's.  You could go home or out to could go into the gym during lunch and listen to music and dance if you wanted could go out and sit under the trees......and guess what....if you misbehaved in school they could give you a spanking....and, of course, none of us ever needed that....

My teenage years are somewhat of a blur now.  I forgot to mention that we have had a television and telephone some time now. So, between watching t.v., talking on the phone, going to school...being in church on Sunday morning and evening services...being in G. A.'s...Wednesday night services...visitation on Thursday nights....the time went by so quickly.  I had so many good friends during these cousins Betty Jo, Shirley & Shelby, Jewell Dean....we all did things together all the time....and then there's Martha who lived on Best Street.  Mama and her Mom had been friends a long time...Carolyn whose daddy worked with my dad....and at church....Nancy, Patsy..Buddy...David....Tommy...Louise...Raynell..




Mama and Daddy were still there for Junior, Wayne and myself..Mama still cooked three meals a day except on Saturday. And Daddy still works at Adams Millis.  We still go to town on Saturday, and the boys still go to the movies on Saturday morning.  I still remember Mama shopping with me for a dress to wear to my first prom in the tenth grade.  And, then there was the Junior-Senior prom which was a big event.  My brothers and I have talked about how Mama and Daddy did what they did.....Santa always brought what we asked for....we always had new Easter outfits and Easter Baskets...And when Elvis came to the Center Theater when I was in the tenth grade; Daddy gave me 50 cents to go see him...even on a school night.   I just feel like they sensed our every need and knew us and liked us as well as loving us.  Otherwise, why did I love going to might not have been for all the right reasons at certain times, but I went and know that it has played a big part in my life.....To have the Lord is to have all we need.  We may not always be there for Him, but He is always there for us.   I know Daddy is the reason I always loved school  because he taught me to love reading as much as he did and at such an early age.  My favorite classes in high school were English, Business Math, Bookkeeping, Typing and Shorthand...I really want to work in an office......Until next time......Jeanette
Patsy - Jeanette - Nancy

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