Sunday, September 22, 2013

Daddy's Sister Nannie

                                         Nannie and Joe....they could always make it happen.  Their home was the gathering place.  The main thing I remember was "Grand"  living with them and that Jackie and Elmer lived next door. When all the sisters were together they had such a good time...many good memories for me and my cousins.

Nannie and Joe had a daughter, Betty and a son Larry.  All three of us cousins had three sons.

Nannie & Joe

Joe and Nannie


Betty and Pete


Betty and I have some good memories...going to English St. Baptist Church together...going
to visit Susie, Charlie and Winnie in Lulu, Georgia during the summer...we were in each other's
wedding...and both of us had three sons....Junior  and Wayne were closer in age to Larry, and
they had a close relationship through the years.

Nannie worked at Adams Millis Hosiery Mill on English Road.  It must have been a good place
because two sisters and two brothers worked there.  It was Daddy's home for forty-six years.  .

Mama and Nannie on one of their vacation trips

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