Sunday, September 22, 2013

Daddy's Sister Nettie

Nettie & Dexter in 1948
               My daddy's sister Nettie was just like her three sisters.  They all were so
               very close and just seemed to think so much alike.  The brothers and
               sisters were always there for each other.

               Nettie and husband Dexter had two sons - J. D. and Donald Ray...
               J. D. and I were about the same age, and Donald Ray a few years
               younger.  I will always remember J. D. coming to our house on Christmas
               morning and bringing me a box of chocolate covered cherries.  We were            
               living on Main St. at the time.  That was so very special..  When he went
               into the army, we would write letters to each other.  I still have some
               of them.  I would have to say....most of us cousins were good friends.
               He is no longer with us....he joined his mother and father several years
                                                             Nettie in 1971                                                                  
J. D. Walls
Donald Ray

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