Thursday, September 26, 2013

a moment in time

It has been a challenge to delve back into the past and try to give you bits and pieces about mine and your family.  As
thoughts come to me; and I am able to gather more photos, I will continue to write our story of the early
years.  Meanwhile, we will start on the next chapter and just see what the Good Lord gives me to write.
I would like to encourage each of you to make time each day...only five minutes.... to write down a
memory that you have...  
My heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who have given me your support and reads our blog, and
I hope you will continue to do so.  I really have enjoyed my trip back into the past....... and  I must thank my
brother Wayne for sharing the "Remember When In High Point" website with me...........and thank you
to the ones that started that group.  When I saw the posts, on what happened in the 40's and 50's, by other
people, things began to start clicking..........Until next time......

Jeanette   Mom   Wayne   Junior

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