Thursday, October 17, 2013


My father-in-law Talmadge, who loved to pull a prank on you rather than eat when he was hungry. And, he had this giggle that would start you laughing so you forgot what he had done in the first place. He was so good with people and especially his grandchildren....he would just talk to them and listen to them, and they were always right. He had been unable to farm since early fifties, but he was always working on something. His mind was never idle, but he came across in the most kind and gentle way. He and Mamie stayed busy....tending the garden, going back "down home" when they still had rental property to take care of and visiting with sisters Myrtle and Eva and brothers - Albert -  Howard - Alton -   Mamie's brother Marvin.

A loving


Alton  - Sadie - Howard - Talmadge - Albert

Alton and wife Sadie 


Mamie & Talmadge

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