Thursday, October 31, 2013

Keith - Steve - Scott

These three works of art have hung on the wall in our living area for too many years to mention.
The photographs and the subjects are priceless, and each one of them knows this every day.
They and the Good Lord have kept my world going around.............





Mom & Scott

Cousins Scott & Troy.....the beginning of a lifelong friendship

Scott with his daddy

A happy place





Mom with Steve and Keith

Daddy with Keith and Steve

This is so sweet

keith and his dad

Keith on a fishing trip

Keith and his daddy  -   loved the "grin"

I think this is a really good day

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Connie and Family



Ruby  -  she was a little girl

Ruby - a beautiful young lady

                          Connie said her PaPa Talmadge bought her this mint green dress.

Ollin          Ruby         Connie

Ollin - a young man who served his country

Connie and Wayne

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Billy's Uncle Albert with his family

Felton   Judy  Albert  Charles   -   1966

Talmadge     Albert

Betty Jean      Celeste      Virginia

Mamie    Arthur    Talmadge


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

the first year

                                                       Keith with his Papa Thompson

                                                   Wayne with Keith on his first birthday

                                                         Cousin Connie and Keith

Billy  -  Keith  -  Uncle Al

Keith with his Uncle Wayne on Meadow Street...  February, 1963


Keith was born on his Aunt Ruby's birthday
I look at Keith....He now has a daughter and two sons who are married and one grandchild. I can still remember the first time I held him in my arms, and had thoughts like every other mom....this is the most beautiful baby in the world.   He was a healthy baby and weighed almost nine pounds.  On that special October morning, our Keith arrived at 4:15 in the morning. .And soon after, Billy was at his sister Ruby's house waking them up to tell them... it's a's a boy. This was back when the Daddy had to stay in the waiting room during the birth and could only visit during certain hours. They would open the curtains in the nursery when it was visiting hours, and you could view the babies.  They did let Billy hold his son after he was born, and they did tell him he could see me at 8:00.  How times have changed...... We had some happy, happy folks who were in and out of our house for the next two weeks, and I just wanted to sit and hold my baby....I did share him just a little bit...

A happy and proud daddy holding his son


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A dream come true...

You have now read a post about or seen photos of  our grandparents...our parents...our brothers and sisters.....our aunts and uncles....our cousins....and our friends.  I will continue to add photos to the earlier posts as they become available. So, as they say, on with our life story..........

Billy and I moved to a little white house on Tipton Street in 1960, not too far away from our apartment on Edgeworth...and closer to Mom and Dad.  We had a persimmon tree in the front yard, and Cecil and Betsy lived next door.  We had some good times together...especially learning to make persimmon pudding.

Billy had dreams of driving a truck since he was very young.  Mamie's nephew, Ty and his tractor trailer truck made a lasting impression on Billy when Ty would come through Erwin and stop to visit his family.  When Billy wanted to do something, he worked hard to make it happen, so he is now driving a truck for Younts Transfer,,,,terminal manager Charles and wife Alma....they became two of our best didn't matter that he left at 4:30 a.m. to take the load -that was picked up the day before- to Hickory to the main terminal.  He then came back to High Point to pick up shipments to deliver to Hickory the following morning. He was paying his dues, but he was a happy camper.

I went to work at Davis Furniture in June, 1958.  After graduation, my cousin Betty, invited me to go to the beach.  I'll always remember that first view of the ocean...When we got back home, Daddy showed me a want ad for a secretary,so I made my appointment for an interview and got the job.  I didn't know at the time that Daddy was good friends with a man at his work who lived next door to Mr. Davis on Chandler Street.  Davis now has three or four blocks with different plants and offices, but when I went to work there, we had twenty-three employees and one building.  They had one girl in the office who had turned in her notice.  She did stay two weeks to help train me.  It was the job of a lifetime if you wanted to learn the furniture business. Mr. Davis had worked at Tomlinson, and after the war he and his wife opened a reupholstery business on Kearns Street. They later were able to build a plant on Linden Street.They taught me as much about life as the industry.  Their office was next to mine......they were still very involved.....but had really turned the reins over to their son... John..he was the one that had to be in all places at the same time.

                                         Good News...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
I can't wait until Billy gets home tonight...We're going to have a baby...We're going to have a baby.....
I am so excited, and I know Billy will be beside himself. Just think...Mama and Daddy's first grandchild..        Wayne and Junior will be an uncle, and they are just twelve and fifteen years old.  Mamie and Talmadge will have their second grandchild.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Remember - This is February, 1960...

 So much to learn...  

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Ruth Ann

Or as most of her family called her - Baby Ruth.  She might have been small in stature, but she had the biggest heart you would ever want to see in a person.  Her actions spoke for who she was - an angel on earth.

                   Ruth Ann with her brothers Tommy and Billy and their cousin - Kathleen



                                            Vickie -  Shirley  -  Wilma  -  Carolyn Sue  -  Dorothy  

                                                                   The Cousins



                                                 Ruth Ann with her cousins  -  Brenda and Rick.

Mr/ and Mrs. Al Ryals  -  1958

Saturday, October 19, 2013


My mother-in-law Mamie...When you met her, you knew she was a strong person and a good mama and grandma. She could carry on a conversation with anyone and always made you feel good.

She always called her grandchildren "sugar ball" and "sweetie-pie". The picture below was at my Mom and Dad's house.  Mamie was a beautiful lady inside and out with the most beautiful gray hair with waves on top.

Thanksgiving Dinner

I remember very well the first time I went with Billy to take his mom and dad "down home" for a family reunion. On the way down, everyone was talking about Aunt Sadie's chicken and pastry.  It was a good day, meeting all of Billy's aunts, uncles and cousins and seeing where Billy had lived.  There was lots of good food, but I never saw chicken with a pastry.  I did eat some dumplings and found out on the way home that I did eat chicken and pastry which we had always called dumplings.....another good story for my grandchildren.

Mamie loved to cook, and would spend Saturday's planning her weeks meals.  She would go have her hair done on Saturday morning...her beautician was Mildred.  If she needed anything in town, she would pick it up after her hair appointment.  Her next stop would be A & P Grocery Store on S. Main where she would
buy groceries  or most of them.  She then would go to Cloverleaf  to buy her produce and then on to Columbia to buy meats. I would drive her most of the time and learned so much during those years.  She loved her Saturdays, and her family loved everything she did for them.

She and my mom created a wonderful tradition for their children by the feast they always had on the table at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Of course, they had good food on the table all during the year.  We learned so much from our parents just by their way of life.

Mamie was always happy to see her nephew - Ty - 

Mamie's niece Kathleen or Kat  as  we knew her..
Kat's son Rusty and her husband Charles...
Kat was an angel on earth...

Mamie's niece Jackie and her husband Ray.. Jackie and Ruth Ann
were very close all of their life.. Jackie was just like her sister, Kat.
She was always there for you, and I can say the same about Ray..a fine
young man..