Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Mama And Me

Mama and me....a picture that has been around a long time.

Daddy loved to take pictures, and I'm glad we have so many of his treasured photos.  I remember when we lived on Main Street that he would develop his own negatives.  He would use the kitchen as his darkroom.

A beautiful lady inside and out with a heart of gold...that was Mama. She had a mind of her own and was so very strong.  When I think back of how things were in the 1940's, it would have been so difficult for Mama to paint a pretty picture for us each day.  She did that and so much more.

I don't ever remember when there was not three meals on the table each day and at the same time...Breakfast..7:00 - Dinner..11:00 and
Supper..5:00.  We all sat down together and ate what was on the table.
But, she really was a good cook; and that made it much easier.  She kept her home super clean at all times, and I think most people did back then.  And, she always looked picture perfect.  I just don't know how she was able to do that. I will never be able to live up to her, but I am so grateful the Good Lord saw fit to have Willie be my Mama.  She has a special place in all our hearts because SHE WAS ALWAYS THERE FOR US.                                                                                              

A young Jeanette...

My mom when she was a very young lady...

I love this mother - daughter photo...

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