Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Charlie and Winnie
Daddy' brother Charlie...He was the oldest child in his family, and Susie was the first grand-
child to be born on Daddy's side of the family.  Maybe that was the reason everyone in the
family was so excited when they would come to visit....they lived in Lula, Georgia....Or maybe
it was because they were always so happy and so just felt the love....

The first time I went to their home during the summer, I was twelve years old; and it was also
my first train ride.  Susie had come up for a visit, and I went back with her.  I remember we were
still living on Main Street as we didn't move from there until I was thirteen.  Daddy woke me up
that morning and sat down on the bed to tell me about all the good times I would have, and that
they would all be just fine.  Mama had just lost her brother Bunk, and I guess I didn't want to
go away.  I did end up going, and  that first visit was one I won't ever forget.  Susie took
me to work with her several days.  She was a secretary and worked in an insurance office.  I knew
right then and there that I wanted to work in an office.  We never know the impact we can have
on a child's life  So, thank you Charlie, Winnie & Susie for all the unforgettable visits.

Susie with her Dad Charlie 

the famous bridge

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