A special time of year..that would be Christmas..we celebrate the birth of Jesus...I remember being in a Christmas play at church every year from the age of five on up to the time you were too old, and then you sang in the choir....this was special.....
We would go to the homes of members in our church on a cold winter night and sing Christmas carols...they would come to the door or out on the porch and be so moved....this was special....
On the Sunday before Christmas at church - after the worship service - everyone got a "treat" - nuts, fruit and candy in a brown paper bag...this was special....
When I was older and in the choir, we would have been practicing for about a month on the Christmas Cantata to sing in church ...and this was very special....
I know we all have so many Christmas memories as a child and as a grown-up....Most of these good
memories are when we are giving to others in whatever way we can.
This is one of my favorite Christmas memories...two of our sons (Scott had not come along yet) looking so happy and propping up on the cocktail table that has a very special centerpiece that Mama and Daddy made. I mentioned before that Daddy worked at Adams Millis Hosiery, and there was always lots of empty yarn cones. They would glue these together to make a circle, spray them with snow; and add the red Christmas balls to each cone. In the center, they would put a round piece of styrofoam and add poinsettias and a candle. Everyone always wanted one...it was time consuming, but they really enjoyed making these. I don't know who thought of this creative idea, but they made a beautiful centerpiece.
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Steve and Keith |
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