Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A special day for Mark

                                                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY COACH
                                     THANK YOU FOR ALL THESE WONDERFUL MEMORIES

It does not seem that long ago when you were sitting in the little blue chair at the cocktail table playing with cars and trucks.

It does not seem that long ago  that you were in our backyard playing in the leaves with your brother Bryan.

It does not seem that long ago that you were sitting in the big chair reading a book and watching T.V.  Your team must be losing with that expression on your face.

It does not seem that long ago that we had these chairs in our dining room for you to hold on to getting ready to blow out the candles on one of your birthday cakes.

It does not seem that long when you were a senior in high school and having those senior pictures made.

Football Games in High School # 77

Now you are a college graduate and have grown up to be a fine young man teaching and coaching the young people at a high school..  You have a church home to be a part of...

You have been married to the" love of your life" several years now.  Where has the time gone?

I love this picture of you and Erin with her grandmother whom has become one of my best friends. So, I want to thank you and the Good Lord for being able to be a part of your life for all these years.

Always treasure the moments of your life, and always keep that smile.    .Happy Birthday Grandson...

Celia   Mark   Erin

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