Saturday, July 26, 2014

Scott and Troy

Scott and Troy are cousins who have been and are close friends.  I think it so interesting that their dads, Billy and Tommy were brothers who were very close all during their lives.  Scott is one year older than Troy, and Garrett is one year older than Matthew...another interesting fact. I want my grandson, Garrett, and my nephew Matthew to know about their Grand Dad's and their great Grand Dad's.  They already know what great Dad's they have......

Scott and Garrett

Troy and Matthew



Connie's Album

Connie with Billy and Keith

Ruth Ann

Mamie - Talmadge - Connie - Keith

Connie - Wayne - Troy - Scott

Connie with that beautiful smile

Connie -Tommy - Keith - Steve

Grandma Mamie - Mom Ruby - Keith - Steve

Connie's dad Ollin with Scott and Troy

Friday, July 11, 2014

Christmas in July

Why am I thinking of Christmas in July?  It could be the Christmas movies I have been watching on  the Hallmark channel or it could be going shopping at The Christmas Store. It could be that Keith uploaded pictures from my camera, and I am reminded of our old fashioned Christmas get-together.  It was Garrett's first Christmas at Grandma's house five years ago.

Do you need a little help

Is it going to be this much fun every year

This was on my list

Now what do I have here

Someone is telling a good story

I have this figured out

I can be serious with my new hat on

Now what could this be


A festive time

Look at my new gloves

my ice skating rink
My beautiful quilt

My old fashioned tree

Beautiful memories

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

It's a family day

Let's take our picture

This is fun


This is a good one