Friday, April 4, 2014

sixth grade school play...

Ms. Strickland was our sixth grade teacher at Cloverdale Elementary.  We had a "months of the year" school play. I can remember how well Ms. Strickland loved to play the piano so we were having a musical. The chorus would sing a song about each month, and we would each prance around the stage acting out our month.  During the evening performance, my brother Junior was the mascot who was the month of January.  Junior was not feeling too well the next morning so for the students performance, the principal's son was the mascot.  The June bride is Sonia, and her dad did the photography.  He had a place on South Main Street beside of Arthur's Pharmacy...Paul Smith Studio..  That is how we have this keepsake photograph  -   1951-52 school year......

January - the 1st grade mascot was the New Year                                                       
February - Jackie Hensley & Larry Willet                                                                    
March - Randy Cochran                                                                                             
April - Jeanette Thompson                                                                                                                 
May - Daphne                                                                    
June - Sonia Smith & Jerry Daniels                                     
July - Tommy Proctor                                                           
August - Patsy Upton                                                               
September =Ernest --  - & Jerry Rollins 
October - Jay
November - 
December - Sara Ingram
Master of Ceremonies... Clay Poole & Tony Jennings

The people I remember in the chorus are: Jackie Mabe, Larry Fogleman, Bernice Jones, Judy Lawson, Ronnie Mann, Freddie Carlyle, Judy O'Ham, Jackie Gibson, Benny Dockery and Ken Jefferson...

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