Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Showroom On English Street

It was a beautiful place to work, and sometimes it took your breath away.  It really was an awesome experience for me from 1981 to 1995.  My family had been through some rough years.  We lost Billy's dad in 1972, my mom in 1975, Billy;s mom in 1976 and my dad in 1978.  Billy was diagnosed with A.L.S in November, 1981 - the same year I had started back to work in January, 1981.  The Lord opened this door for me second job...and He will provide a way.


Sometimes you want to remember all your wonderful friends who worked at the showroom year round.  Each person had an important part in creating a beautiful showroom for the furniture market.  We worked long hours which included many weekends, but with the support of our family and the appreciation shown by our upline we all felt this need to have everything perfect for each market.

Sometimes our job took us "out on location".  I have always liked this photo because this is "me".

Sometimes you would have a photo of the special people who ran the show

This was the best of times

                                   Sometimes we would meet our special guests at market.  This was
                                  when we had introduced entertainment centers during the 80's.

Sometimes - which was more like every day - we worked with fabrics to
put together for settings to introduce at the two markets we had each year.

                        Sometimes you got a promotion that you felt was not deserved, but it made
                        you so happy to be able to support your family doing what you love to do.

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