Thursday, July 16, 2015

My Friend...

Once upon a time there were two friends who lived in the same neighborhood during their younger days.  They were especially close during their high school years.  They even had the same last name even though they were not related to each other.  That would be my friend and me.  Our mom's also liked to visit with each other. We really had some fun times together when we were teenagers.  My friend moved away after graduation, and we gradually lost touch with each other.

We are now grandmothers and  have been retired from our careers for a number of years. After 50+ years have passed, we recently discovered each other on a social media group site.  It is the most wonderful feeling in the world to be able to find one of your best friends that you have not seen in many years.
 It has been several months now that we have been able to go on our computer or phone and stay in touch with each other.  We have shared many memories with each other.  What a happy ending to our story, and you can view these photos to see us when we were "little ones".



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