Friday, October 30, 2015

Celia: This is your day...

I hope you have a wonderful birthday, and I know you will enjoy each and every moment.

Sometimes it seems like yesterday when I first met you at Erin's and Mark's engagement dinner, and sometimes it seems as if we have known each other all of our lives.

You were beautiful as a baby, and you have always been a  beautiful lady inside and out...

Celia, You really are a very special person to all your family and friends.  You are a role model and an inspiration to all who know and love you.  You will never know how many lives have been changed because of your testimony throughout your life, and you always know just the right thing to say to that person.

I know from a comment I read sometime back  that a caramel cake was a special treat for you on your birthday when you were a child so I had to include this photo on your post..  Those memories are very precious.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Garrett, Mark & Scott

     What did they all have in common when they were "little ones"......Blonde hair and blue eyes...



           When anyone is looking at one of my photo albums, they will ask "Now which one is he"?




                I thought this would be a good idea for a have them all on the same




And, this is Grandma Raynor holding Scott

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A Special Day for Steve

              I hope you have a wonderful birthday, and thank you for all the precious memories...

You spent many hours at your work table making things and putting together all your airplane and car models...

                     You are a proud PaPa when your grandson comes in first in his cardboard race...


You and Holly are so lucky to have each other and to be able to look out at this view each morning...

   I know this will not be one of your favorites, but it is one of mine - those blue eyes and sweet smile...

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A special day for Mark

                                                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY COACH
                                     THANK YOU FOR ALL THESE WONDERFUL MEMORIES

It does not seem that long ago when you were sitting in the little blue chair at the cocktail table playing with cars and trucks.

It does not seem that long ago  that you were in our backyard playing in the leaves with your brother Bryan.

It does not seem that long ago that you were sitting in the big chair reading a book and watching T.V.  Your team must be losing with that expression on your face.

It does not seem that long ago that we had these chairs in our dining room for you to hold on to getting ready to blow out the candles on one of your birthday cakes.

It does not seem that long when you were a senior in high school and having those senior pictures made.

Football Games in High School # 77

Now you are a college graduate and have grown up to be a fine young man teaching and coaching the young people at a high school..  You have a church home to be a part of...

You have been married to the" love of your life" several years now.  Where has the time gone?

I love this picture of you and Erin with her grandmother whom has become one of my best friends. So, I want to thank you and the Good Lord for being able to be a part of your life for all these years.

Always treasure the moments of your life, and always keep that smile.    .Happy Birthday Grandson...

Celia   Mark   Erin

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

A tribute to Talmadge

Talmadge Fulton Raynor - 1900  -   1972         

The best father-in-law a person would ever want - that was Talmadge...It has been forty-three years today that he crossed that rainbow bridge; and everyone who knew him will never forget this kind, sweet man who could always make you smile...

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Our Camping Trips

When I saw this picture on the website, it really brought back some good memories in the late 1960's  for our family.  There were several of us in our neighborhood who would go camping at Morrow Mountain and at North Myrtle Beach.  It was something new for us, but it was so much fun sleeping in a tent after we sat up most of the night around the bonfire.  When you went up to the bath house early in the morning, you might be greeted by a deer.  After the men cooked breakfast, we would go up to the swimming pool, and have a relaxing day watching our kids have fun.

Carlyle   Billy   Keith   Steve

Friday, July 24, 2015

Two boys and a girl...

Brothers and Sister...the brothers had dimples...the sister had a beehive hairdo...

Junior was leaving to go into the army so we decided to have a picture taken together in a studio for Mama and Daddy.  They had made photo albums of us through the years, but we wanted to surprise them with this one.  Needless to say, Mama was overwhelmed.  All was well when he returned home safe and sound.  This picture with Junior and Wayne is now a treasure.

October 5,  1966 

We  were much younger here - one in the 40's and two in the 50's

We were much older here - 2002

Thursday, July 16, 2015

My Friend...

Once upon a time there were two friends who lived in the same neighborhood during their younger days.  They were especially close during their high school years.  They even had the same last name even though they were not related to each other.  That would be my friend and me.  Our mom's also liked to visit with each other. We really had some fun times together when we were teenagers.  My friend moved away after graduation, and we gradually lost touch with each other.

We are now grandmothers and  have been retired from our careers for a number of years. After 50+ years have passed, we recently discovered each other on a social media group site.  It is the most wonderful feeling in the world to be able to find one of your best friends that you have not seen in many years.
 It has been several months now that we have been able to go on our computer or phone and stay in touch with each other.  We have shared many memories with each other.  What a happy ending to our story, and you can view these photos to see us when we were "little ones".



Monday, June 22, 2015

They are so sweet...

                                                      Night Night
                                                                    Sleep Tight
                                                                            Sweet Dreams
                                                                                 I love, love, love you

2004   Bryan, Jr.

1960   Keith

1983   Bryan, Sr.

1999   Mallory

2009  Garrett

1988  Mark

2004    Amelia

1972  Scott

1963  Steve

These photos are our three children, our five grandchildren and two great grandchildren -  precious babies - some sleepy - some awake - and all are so precious...

Ruby 2016

Mark - 1988