Saturday, October 19, 2013


My mother-in-law Mamie...When you met her, you knew she was a strong person and a good mama and grandma. She could carry on a conversation with anyone and always made you feel good.

She always called her grandchildren "sugar ball" and "sweetie-pie". The picture below was at my Mom and Dad's house.  Mamie was a beautiful lady inside and out with the most beautiful gray hair with waves on top.

Thanksgiving Dinner

I remember very well the first time I went with Billy to take his mom and dad "down home" for a family reunion. On the way down, everyone was talking about Aunt Sadie's chicken and pastry.  It was a good day, meeting all of Billy's aunts, uncles and cousins and seeing where Billy had lived.  There was lots of good food, but I never saw chicken with a pastry.  I did eat some dumplings and found out on the way home that I did eat chicken and pastry which we had always called dumplings.....another good story for my grandchildren.

Mamie loved to cook, and would spend Saturday's planning her weeks meals.  She would go have her hair done on Saturday morning...her beautician was Mildred.  If she needed anything in town, she would pick it up after her hair appointment.  Her next stop would be A & P Grocery Store on S. Main where she would
buy groceries  or most of them.  She then would go to Cloverleaf  to buy her produce and then on to Columbia to buy meats. I would drive her most of the time and learned so much during those years.  She loved her Saturdays, and her family loved everything she did for them.

She and my mom created a wonderful tradition for their children by the feast they always had on the table at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Of course, they had good food on the table all during the year.  We learned so much from our parents just by their way of life.

Mamie was always happy to see her nephew - Ty - 

Mamie's niece Kathleen or Kat  as  we knew her..
Kat's son Rusty and her husband Charles...
Kat was an angel on earth...

Mamie's niece Jackie and her husband Ray.. Jackie and Ruth Ann
were very close all of their life.. Jackie was just like her sister, Kat.
She was always there for you, and I can say the same about Ray..a fine
young man..

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