Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Happy Birthday Bryan K......

Grandma Jeanette

You were our first sweet grandchild, and we had so much fun watching you grow up to be the most sensitive, kind and loving young man that a grandma could hope for..... May your birthday be as special to you today and always -  as you have been to us through the years.....

Grandma Brenda

Friday, May 6, 2016

When our grandsons were "little ones"

It seems like yesterday when I held them in my arms.  They are still just as sweet as an apple dumpling, and I am so blessed to be their grandmother.

Bryan, Sr.

Bryan, Jr.

Our great grandson Bryan, Jr.

Our grandson Bryan, Sr.

Our grandson Mark


Our grandson Garrett


 Our great grandson Justin

Bryan, Sr and Mark

Justin and Bryan, Jr.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Our grandgirls when they were babies...

Those sweet smiles and beautiful eyes just melts my heart when I see you or when I look at your pictures.  

Our  great granddaughter Ruby


 Our  granddaughter Mallory


Our  granddaughter  Amelia


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

An Album For Ruby

Ruby's Dad

Ruby's Mom

Ruby's Nana

Ruby's Papa

Ruby's Lewla

Ruby's PaPa

Ruby's first family portrait

It has been a fun week