Friday, May 22, 2015

May Twenty-Second

My Grandchildren

Special Memories


Mark... You may get tired of your grandma talking about how you married a young lady from Harnett County, and I married a young man (your PaPa Billy) from Harnett County. If Billy was still with us, he would say "it was meant to be".  I would agree, and  I love thinking about how your wedding was a really special event for you and Erin and all your family and friends.  Happy Anniversary.............  

A special moment - May 23, 2015

Sunday, May 17, 2015

A special day for Bryan K...

It is your birthday!  It is also a special day for this grandma because you were my first grandchild.  You could never imagine the joy and excitement for all your family on that special day.  And guess what --- we all still feel that way.  You are a strong, young man who will always have a special place in our hearts.

Happy Birthday Bryan

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Dreams Can Come True...

I am so glad we have these older photos and slides that jogs my memory so I can share these events with you.

It was the 1960's, and Billy had always wanted to go to Florida to see the dolphins and whales at Marineland.  The other reason he wanted to go was to find orange trees. It was a Friday afternoon during the summer, and I had picked up  Keith and Steve at Mama's after I got off from work.  Billy was driving for Wilson Freight at this time, and I was working at Davis Furniture.  When we got home Billy had everything ready to go for this" new to us" trip to Florida.  I  don't remember if it was a surprise to me, or if we had planned this trip.  If you knew Billy, then you know how much he loved to travel.  When he wanted to go somewhere, he had this way of making you want to go also. One thing is for certain, you always had a good time.  The first thing he wanted to do on that Saturday afternoon was to find an orange tree.  It wasn't long before Billy was driving up this long private driveway while I was saying " We are not supposed to be doing this.  . There were several people outside working, and this one guy walked over to the car. Billy's dream had come true.  This gentlemen told him to take his family to this certain area, and they would find plenty of oranges.  It was our first time to see oranges that were not orange.

We did go see the water events at Marineland.  We took so many slides, and in almost all of them you saw this young girl with long hair standing in front of us.  That is a memory none of our family will ever forget every time we would set up the projector and screen.  Our first Florida trip and the unknown girl in all of our pictures.

I know we all have dreams, and I hope you find a way to make your's happen.