Saturday, May 24, 2014

Happy Birthday Scott

   Welcome back home and happy birthday......
    Photos of some of your trips abroad....


Garrett was with me on Friday, and he loves to help me make a post.  He wanted to make a birthday post for his daddy. He picked out the pictures below. He told me what to write on the caption. Amelia was in school and unable to help us, but Garrett said the title would be...Happy Birthday Daddy...from Garrett and Amelia. I thought that was so sweet. He makes sure his big sister is in on everything.  Doesn't it feel good to have two birthdays in May...

Happy Birthday Daddy..
We hope you have a good day..
Best friends together...
The best daddy in the world..

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Happy Birthday Bryan

My sweet and beautiful grandson - Bryan

A happy little boy

My handsome grandson all grown up

Happy Birthday Bryan - 2014

Bryan with his daddy Keith - 1980s

Bryan's family - 2013

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Danny, Jr.

gardening is fun
father and son
Matt - Maggie - Justin - Danny, Jr.
Danny, Jr.   -   Bryan, Jr.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Amelia's early life

Grammy's home is fun
Playing with Mommy is fun
A ride on daddy's shoulders is fun
Amelia with Grammy and Daddy

Monday, May 12, 2014

grateful to all

I don't remember too much about World War II.   I know our Uncle Dellet, Uncle Elmer, Uncle Joe, Uncle Raymond, Uncle Jay and Uncle Dexter served in this war.  Our brother, Grady, Jr. our cousin J. D and Billy's brother Tommy, was drafted in the 60's.  Thank the Good Lord - they all came home safe and sound.

 Uncle Dellet on Mama's side
Our brother Grady, Jr. 
Uncle Joe (on right)  on Daddy's side

 Uncle Jay on Daddy's side

Uncle Raymond on Daddy's side